Dog Licensing
License fees:
Spayed/Neutered - $5.00
Unspayed/Unneutered - $10.00
Kennel - $35.00
To obtain a license for your dog — Send proof of current rabies vaccination, a self-addressed stamped envelope, and a check payable to the Town of Bloomfield by January 31 to:
Town of Bloomfield
Elizabeth Buchholtz
W1871 Apache Ave
Fremont, WI 54940
If you request a dog license after January 31, send proof of current rabies vaccination, a self-addressed stamped envelope, and a check payable to the Waushara County Treasurer to:
Waushara County Treasurer
380 S Townline Rd
Wautoma, WI 54982
Wisconsin State Statutes mandate that the owner of a dog more than five months of age on January 1, or five months of age within this year, shall obtain a license prior to April 1 on or before the date the dog becomes five months of age. A late fee of $5 per dog licensed after March 31 will be applied. This fee is in addition to the regular license amount listed above.
Please be sure to get your dogs licensed to avoid possible penalties and fines. Failure to obtain a dog license is subject to a citation from Waushara County Sheriff’s Department. The fine for an unvaccinated dog is not less than $50.00 nor more than $100.00, plus court costs.
If you have renters and they have dogs, remind them of their obligation to obtain a dog license for each dog they own.
If you no longer have a dog that was licensed in the town last year, call the Town Treasurer at 920-987-5111 so that we can remove the dog from our records.